Top 13 TikTok Agencies (2024)

TikTok has been the latest social media platform to grow in popularity and becoming the seventh-largest platform when it comes to users. Moreover, it’s the most downloaded app on Apple App Store.

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These facts really prove why you should have a presence on this platform. It's a great opportunity to reach your audience using new content formats that are more appealing to the users.

However, it takes knowledge and expertise to create campaigns that will deliver the results you desire. This is why today we're sharing with you the top 13 TikTok Agencies in the UK.

What Makes A Top TikTok Marketing Agency?

TikTok is constantly growing in users and introducing new features to make the experience on the app more entertaining. Finding an agency that keeps up to date with trends, new TikTok features and understands the audience's consumer behaviour is vital for top performing always on strategies and campaign delivery.

When it comes to choosing the right TikTok agency, there are a few things you must look at to make sure they have the expertise, knowledge and proven results you want for your business as well.

  • Case studies: Look at what they've delivered for other clients on TikTok and as many content examples they can share with you. Not only is it the creative itself, but the narrative behind each piece of content.
  • Platform knowledge: Have a team that knows how the platform work and the best practices to create a successful campaign.
  • Clients: Having worked with clients from the same industry shows that they'll better understand your brand, products, and services, delivering better results.
  • Communication: Not only should they understand your industry, business and brand positioning, but they should also feel like an extension of your team. With any brand-agency relationship, it's important that you can genuinely see yourself enjoying working with their day to day and management team.

Now that you know what to look for when considering an agency, it's time to jump into the top TikTok agencies in the UK!

Top Results-Driven TikTok Marketing Agency

1. The Social Shepherd

Yes, it's us. This might sound a little biased, but we can confidently say we're the UK's top results-driven TikTok Agencies.

Our agency focuses on delivering growth for brands across TikTok and other social platforms. We help clients across TikTok content, TikTok influencers and TikTok Ads to ensure they're covering all bases to accelerate their TikTok growth.

How can we help as TikTok Agencies?

  • TikTok Content Production
  • TikTok Strategy
  • TikTok Influencer Campaigns
  • TikTok Ads Management

The Social Shepherd Team includes:

  • TikTok Specialists
  • Social Strategists
  • Content Creators
  • Videographers
  • Video Editors & Animators
  • TikTok Ad Managers
  • TikTok Community Managers
  • Influencer Marketing Experts

So, if you're looking to grow your audience on TikTok, get in touch with us now!